<[object Object] name="description" content="Create your first controller. Ts.ED is built on top of Express and uses TypeScript language."> <[object Object] name="keywords" content="controller getting started ts.ed express typescript node.js javascript decorators mvc class models">
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Create your first controller

Controllers are responsible for handling incoming requests and returning responses to the client.


For this step, we'll create a new CalendarController.ts in our project. We can do that using Ts.ED cli:

# npm -g @tsed/cli
tsed g controller Calendars
? Which route? /calendars
? Which directory? rest
✔ Generate controller file to 'controllers/rest/CalendarsController.ts'
↓ Update bin/index

The content generated file should be something like that:

import {Controller} from "@tsed/di";
import {Get} from "@tsed/schema";

export class CalendarsController {
  get() {
    return "hello";

All controllers decorated with Controller create a new Platform router under the hood (Platform Router is an abstraction layer to generate the routes for the targeted platform like Express.js or Koa.js)

A Platform router requires a path (here, the path is /calendars) to expose an url on our server.


More precisely, it's a chunk of a path, and the entire exposed url depends on the Server configuration (see Configuration) and the children controllers.

In this case, we have no nested controller and the root endpoint is set to /rest in our Server.ts.

import {Configuration} from "@tsed/di";
import "@tsed/platform-express"; // /!\ keep this import
import "@tsed/ajv";
import "@tsed/swagger";
import {config} from "./config/index";
import * as rest from "./controllers/rest/index"; 
import * as pages from "./controllers/pages/index";

  mount: {
    "/rest": [

    "/": [...Object.values(pages)]
export class Server {}

So the controller's url will be http://localhost:8083/rest/calendars.

The last step is to regenerate the barrels files using the following command:

npm run barrels (test)
yarn run barrels
pnpm run barrels
bun run barrels

Now we can start our server and test our new exposed endpoint:

npm run start
yarn run start
pnpm run start
bun run start

The terminal should display our new endpoint:

[2024-02-21T07:42:50.029] [INFO ] [TSED] - Loading EXPRESS platform adapter... +2ms
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.030] [INFO ] [TSED] - Injector created... +1ms
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.066] [INFO ] [TSED] - Build providers +35ms
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.107] [INFO ] [TSED] - Settings and injector loaded... +41ms
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.107] [INFO ] [TSED] - Mount app context +0ms
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.107] [INFO ] [TSED] - Load routes +0ms
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.111] [INFO ] [TSED] - Routes mounted... +4ms
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.111] [INFO ] [TSED] - 
│ Method        │ Endpoint          │ Class method               │
GET           │ /rest/calendars   │ CalendarsController.get()  │
GET           │ /                 │ IndexController.get()      │
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.114] [INFO ] [TSED] - Listen server on
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.114] [INFO ] [TSED] - [default] Swagger JSON is available on
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.114] [INFO ] [TSED] - [default] Swagger UI is available on
[2024-02-21T07:42:50.114] [INFO ] [TSED] - Started in 87 ms +3ms


Ts.ED will always display the exposed endpoints in the terminal. It's a good way to check if everything is working as expected. You can disable this feature by setting the logger.disableRoutesSummary configuration to false.

We can now test our new endpoint using a tool like Postman, or using a simple curl:

curl --location 'http://localhost:8083/rest/calendars'

# Output

Create a model

Before we continue, let's create a simple model to use in our controller.

Run the following command to create a new Calendar model:

# npm -g @tsed/cli
tsed g model Calendar

It will generate a new file in the models directory:

import {Property} from "@tsed/schema";

export class CalendarModel {
  id: string;


Model feature provided by Ts.ED is a simple way to define a data structure. It's based on the @tsed/schema package and can be used to validate incoming data, serialize outgoing data, and generate OpenAPI documentation.

Let's add some properties to our CalendarModel. For our example, we'll add a name and a description:

import {Groups, MaxLength, MinLength, Property, Required} from "@tsed/schema";

export class CalendarModel {
  id: string;

  name: string;

  description: string;
import {getJsonSchema} from "@tsed/schema";
import Ajv from "ajv";
import {CalendarModel} from "./CalendarModel";

function validate(model: CalendarModel) {
  const schema = getJsonSchema(CalendarModel);

  const ajv = new Ajv();

  const isValid = ajv.validate(schema, model);

  return {
    errors: ajv.errors

describe("CalendarModel", () => {
  it("should generate a JsonSchema", () => {
    const jsonSchema = getJsonSchema(CalendarModel);

      type: "object",
      properties: {
        id: {
          minLength: 1,
          type: "string"
        name: {
          type: "string",
          minLength: 3
        description: {
          type: "string",
          minLength: 1,
          maxLength: 100
      required: ["id", "name", "description"]
  it("should generate a JsonSchema (creation)", () => {
    const jsonSchema = getJsonSchema(CalendarModel, {groups: ["creation"]});

      type: "object",
      properties: {
        name: {
          type: "string",
          minLength: 3
        description: {
          type: "string",
          minLength: 1,
          maxLength: 100
      required: ["name", "description"]

  it("should validate model", () => {
    const model = new CalendarModel();
    model.id = "1";
    model.name = "My calendar";
    model.description = "My calendar description";

    const {isValid} = validate(model);


  it("should not validate the model if description is missing", () => {
    const model = new CalendarModel();
    model.id = "1";
    model.name = "My calendar";
    model.description = "";

    const {isValid, errors} = validate(model);

        instancePath: "/description",
        keyword: "minLength",
        message: "must NOT have fewer than 1 characters",
        params: {
          limit: 1
        schemaPath: "#/properties/description/minLength"

Our CalendarModel now has three properties: id, name, and description. We also added some validation rules to our properties like:

  • @Required() to make sure the property is present in the payload,
  • @MinLength(3) to make sure the name property has at least 3 characters,
  • @MaxLength(100) to make sure the description property has at most 100 characters.
  • @Groups("!creation") to exclude the id property from the serialization when the creation group is used.


This model will produce a JSON schema that can be tested using the Swagger UI or in a unit test using the @tsed/schema package. See the CalendarModel.spec.ts tab for an example.

We can now use our CalendarModel in our CalendarsController:

import {Controller} from "@tsed/di";
import {Get} from "@tsed/schema";
import {CalendarModel} from "../models/CalendarModel";

export class CalendarsController {
  getAll() {
    const model = new CalendarModel();
    model.id = "1";
    model.name = "My calendar";
    model.description = "My calendar description";

    return [model];

Now, if we run our server and test our endpoint, we should see the following output:

curl --location 'http://localhost:8083/rest/calendars'

# Output
[{"id":"1","name":"My calendar","description":"My calendar description"}]%

Create a CRUD

Now that we have a basic understanding of how to create a controller, let's create a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for our Calendar model.

We'll start by adding a Post method to create a new Calendar:

import {v4} from "uuid";
import {Controller} from "@tsed/di";
import {Get, Groups, Post, Returns} from "@tsed/schema";
import {BodyParams} from "@tsed/platform-params";
import {CalendarModel} from "../../models/CalendarModel";

export class CalendarsController {
  private calendars: CalendarModel[] = [];

  getAll() {
    return this.calendars;

  @Returns(201, CalendarModel)
  create(@BodyParams() @Groups("creation") calendar: CalendarModel) {
    calendar.id = v4();


    return calendar;

As we can see on our CalendarsController, we added a new method create decorated with @Post("/"). This method will be called when a POST request is sent to the /rest/calendars endpoint.

We also added a @BodyParams decorator to the create method. This decorator is used to inject the request body into the method. Groups is used to specify which group should be used to validate the incoming payload. Here we need to exclude the id property from the validation. This is why we use @Groups("creation").

curl --location 'http://localhost:8083/rest/calendars' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "name": "My calendar",
    "description": "My calendar description"

# Output
{"id":"50de4b10-792e-44d5-9f61-56b3898ebf34","name":"My calendar","description":"My calendar description"}%

curl --location 'http://localhost:8083/rest/calendars'

# Output
[{"id":"50de4b10-792e-44d5-9f61-56b3898ebf34","name":"My calendar","description":"My calendar description"}]%

To complete our CRUD, we need to add a Get method to retrieve a Calendar by its id, a Put method to update a Calendar by its id, and a Delete method to remove a Calendar by its id.

Here is the complete CalendarsController:

import {v4} from "uuid";
import {Controller} from "@tsed/di";
import {NotFound} from "@tsed/exceptions";
import {Delete, Get, Groups, Post, Put, Returns} from "@tsed/schema";
import {BodyParams, PathParams} from "@tsed/platform-params";
import {CalendarModel} from "../../models/CalendarModel";

export class CalendarsController {
  private calendars: CalendarModel[] = [];

  getAll() {
    return this.calendars;

  @Returns(200, CalendarModel)
  @Returns(404).Description("Calendar not found")
  getById(@PathParams("id") id: string) {
    const calendar = this.calendars.find((calendar) => calendar.id === id);

    if (!calendar) {
      throw new NotFound("Calendar not found");

    return calendar;

  @Returns(201, CalendarModel)
  create(@BodyParams() @Groups("creation") calendar: CalendarModel) {
    calendar.id = v4();


    return calendar;

  @Returns(200, CalendarModel)
  @Returns(404).Description("Calendar not found")
  update(@PathParams("id") id: string, @BodyParams() @Groups("update") calendar: CalendarModel) {
    const index = this.calendars.findIndex((calendar) => calendar.id === id);

    if (index === -1) {
      throw new NotFound("Calendar not found");

    calendar.id = id;
    this.calendars[index] = calendar;

    return calendar;

  @Returns(404).Description("Calendar not found")
  remove(@PathParams("id") id: string) {
    const index = this.calendars.findIndex((calendar) => calendar.id === id);

    if (index === -1) {
      throw new NotFound("Calendar not found");

    this.calendars.splice(index, 1);
import {PlatformTest} from "@tsed/common";
import {deserialize} from "@tsed/json-mapper";
import {CalendarsController} from "./CalendarsController";
import {CalendarModel} from "../../models/CalendarModel";

async function getControllerFixture() {
  const controller = await PlatformTest.invoke<CalendarsController>(CalendarsController);
  const calendar = deserialize<CalendarModel>(
    {name: "name", description: "description"},
    {type: CalendarModel, groups: ["creation"]}


  return {

describe("CalendarsController", () => {
  beforeEach(() => PlatformTest.create());
  afterEach(() => PlatformTest.reset());

  describe("getAll()", () => {
    it("should return all calendars", async () => {
      const {controller, calendar} = await getControllerFixture();


  describe("getById()", () => {
    it("should return a calendar", async () => {
      const {controller, calendar} = await getControllerFixture();
      const result = controller.getById(calendar.id);


    it("should throw an error if the calendar isn't found", async () => {
      const {controller, calendar} = await getControllerFixture();

      expect(() => controller.getById("not-found")).toThrow("Calendar not found");

  describe("create()", () => {
    it("should create a calendar", async () => {
      const {controller} = await getControllerFixture();

      const calendar = deserialize(
        {name: "name", description: "description"},
          type: CalendarModel,
          groups: ["creation"]


      const created = controller.create(calendar);


  describe("update()", () => {
    it("should update a calendar", async () => {
      const {controller, calendar} = await getControllerFixture();
      const updateCalendar = deserialize<CalendarModel>(
        {name: "new name", description: "new description"},
        {type: CalendarModel, groups: ["update"]}

      const updated = controller.update(calendar.id, updateCalendar);



    it("should throw an error if the calendar isn't found", async () => {
      const {controller} = await getControllerFixture();
      const updateCalendar = deserialize<CalendarModel>(
        {name: "new name", description: "new description"},
        {type: CalendarModel, groups: ["update"]}

      expect(() => controller.update("not-found", updateCalendar)).toThrow("Calendar not found");

  describe("remove()", () => {
    it("should remove a calendar", async () => {
      const {controller, calendar} = await getControllerFixture();



    it("should throw an error if the calendar isn't found", async () => {
      const {controller} = await getControllerFixture();

      expect(() => controller.remove("not-found")).toThrow("Calendar not found");

Our CRUD is ready to use. But the logic is entirely implemented in our controller. Ts.ED provide a way to separate the business logic from the controller logic using Services. So, the next step is to use DI to create and inject a service in our controller.

Released under the MIT License.