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Unlock microservices potential with Apollo GraphQL. Seamlessly integrate APIs, manage data, and enhance performance. Explore Apollo's innovative solutions. Ts.ED provides a module to create multiple Apollo server and bind it with Ts.ED server (Express or Koa).


  • Create Apollo Server and bind it with Ts.ED,
  • Create multiple servers,
  • Support TypeGraphQL, Nexus or standalone Apollo server (or whatever).
  • Support subscription with GraphQL WS


npm install --save @tsed/apollo graphql apollo-server-express
npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
npm install --save @tsed/apollo graphql apollo-server-koa
npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
import "@tsed/platform-express";
import "@tsed/apollo";
import {join} from "path";

  apollo: {
    server1: {
      // GraphQL server configuration
      path: "/",
      playground: true, // enable playground GraphQL IDE. Set false to use Apollo Studio
      plugins: [] // Apollo plugins
      // Give custom server instance
      // server?: (config: Config) => ApolloServer;

      // ApolloServer options
      // ...
      // See options descriptions on
export class Server {}

Register plugins

You can register plugins with the plugins property. The plugins are executed in the order of declaration.

import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
import "@tsed/platform-express";
import "@tsed/apollo";
import {join} from "path";

  apollo: {
    server1: {
      plugins: [] // Apollo plugins
export class Server {}

But if you need to register and access to the injector, you can use the $alterApolloServerPlugins hook. For example, you can register the graphql-ws necessary to support the subscription feature of GraphQL like this:

import {Constant, Inject, InjectorService, Module} from "@tsed/di";
import {useServer} from "graphql-ws/lib/use/ws";
import Http from "http";
import Https from "https";
import {WebSocketServer} from "ws";
import {GraphQLWSOptions} from "./GraphQLWSOptions";

export class GraphQLWSModule {
  @Constant("graphqlWs", {})
  private settings: GraphQLWSOptions;

  private httpServer: Http.Server | null;

  private httpsServer: Https.Server | null;

  private injector: InjectorService;

  async $alterApolloServerPlugins(plugins: any[], settings: GraphQLWSOptions) {
    const wsServer = await this.createWSServer(settings);`Create GraphQL WS server on: ${settings.path}`);

    return plugins.concat({
      serverWillStart() {
        return {
          async drainServer() {
            await wsServer.dispose();
    } as any);

  protected createWSServer(settings: GraphQLWSOptions) {
    const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({
      ...(this.settings.wsServerOptions || {}),
      server: this.httpsServer || this.httpServer!,
      path: settings.path

    return useServer(
        ...(this.settings.wsUseServerOptions || {}),
        schema: settings.schema


Ts.ED provide a @tsed/graphql-ws package to support the subscription feature of GraphQL. See here for more details.

Get Server instance

ApolloService (or TypeGraphQLService) lets you retrieve an instance of ApolloServer.

import {AfterRoutesInit} from "@tsed/common";
import {Inject, Injectable} from "@tsed/di";
import {ApolloService} from "@tsed/apollo";
import {ApolloServerBase} from "apollo-server-core";

export class UsersService implements AfterRoutesInit {
  private ApolloService: ApolloService;
  // or private typeGraphQLService: TypeGraphQLService;

  private server: ApolloServerBase;

  $afterRoutesInit() {
    this.server = this.apolloService.get("server1")!;

For more information about ApolloServer, look at its documentation here;



Released under the MIT License.